\kappa . \xi .

Kleanthis Xenitidis

\looparrowright Timeline About Studies Computer Science Blog Bachelor Master Raspberry Pi PhD Python Web \looparrowleft
\int f(x) dx
Graduation at the University of the Aegean
Department of Mathematics
bachelor degree

Bachelor thesis
An introduction to Affine Varieties and Zariski Topology
Algebraic Geometry
Graduation at the University of Ioannina
Department of Mathematics
master degree

Master thesis
Poincare and Alexander duality, elements of algebraic topology
Algebraic Topology
Graduation at Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology
Management and Information Systems
master degree

Master thesis
3-Dimentional model reconstruction from point clouds. Development and implementation of a novel automated methodology for sailing boats geometrical characteristics calculation
3D model reconstruction
PhD at Democritus University of Thrace
Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources
Forest Research Institute "Dimitra"

PhD dissertation
Modeling Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources using Machine Learning and Mathematical Tools
Coming Soon!!
Coming Soon!!
My Projects
Spot a Race
Race management for race directors and athletes
Django Web Application
Raspberry Pi weather data representation
Django Web Application
Test login (username: demo password: 123456)
Raspberry Pi weather data representation
Streamlit Web Application


Started my studies at Mathematics

1 + 1 = 2


Bachelor of Science
Department of Mathematics, University of the Aegean

1 + 1 = 2 ??


Master of Science in Mathematics (Analysis-Algebra-Geometry)
Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina

\text{Generally } 1 + 1 \neq 2

2007 - present

Teaching Mathematics to young students and adults

\text{Obviously } 1 + 1 = 2


Got married to Natalia Ioannou

2016 - present

Participation in research programmes
member of research teams


Master of Science in Management and Information Systems
Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Kavala


Became a dad


Phd in Modeling Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources using Machine Learning and Mathematical Tools Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources,
Forest Research Institute "Dimitra"

My extensive background in mathematical studies as well as the Bsc in Mathematics and my 11-year old experience in teaching young students and adults, prove my dedication to Mathematics.

With an Msc in Management Science and Information Systems, I also have experience in designing, developing and supporting live use applications. The main fields of interests are the implementaion of computational geometry using Python and the Raspberry Pi Programming. Additionally, I have great experience with multiple computer languages including
Python (Django, Numpy, MatPlotLib, PyGame and more)
PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript